There are many days that I believe that I live in an alternate reality to the rest of the people on this planet. I desperately attempt to embrace truth where it seems like so many individuals in the world are running to escape from it.
Several weeks ago, the NY Times ran a front page article on a South Dakota issue regarding a pending bill to restrict transgender children from using boys or girls bathrooms, i.e. schools would have to provide separate accommodations. (The b...
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There have been numerous articles written about senior driving, however most of them have one thing in common -- the overzealous desire to ensure that the independence of the senior citizen is preserved at any price. Many of these articles favor preserving the rights of seniors who may be compromised in their ability to drive. They are written by extremely caring geriatric care managers with degrees in social service, writing from their heart, but not necessarily weighing the risks involve...
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As Bill de Blasio continues to dismantle the NYC education system, to escalate his power struggle with Gov. Cuomo, and promote his relationship with Al Sharpton, it is not difficult to establish that de Blasio is not the sharpest tack in the box. The truth is that if an astute individual were to become Mayor of New York City and evaluate de Blasio’s performance over the past year, de Blasio would be hard pressed to elicit an appointment as dogcatcher.
Currently, Bill has been all over th...
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Fantastic Four 2015 – Anything but “Marvel”ous
Over the years, as Hollywood has aged and creativity has faded, there has been a spate of remakes of old movies. There is an innate danger in any remake, the obvious comparison to the original. By and large, very few remakes have been touted as major successes.
The first remake that always pops into my head is King Kong, which has been remade several times. The original, starring Faye Wray, is ...
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Winston and his friends were whispering their ideas privately while the “thought police” tuned in. The year was 1984, but in a split second, a fourth dimensional wormhole brought us to the year 2015. Big Brother was everywhere. There was no more secrecy, no more privacy. Wikileaks was a heroic enterprise, celebrated by all the ultra-liberals who screamed “transparency”, not understanding that they were giving up everything that they considered sacred. And George Orwell was looking down from ...
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For most Americans, August 2, 1876 in Deadwood, Dakota Territory (now South Dakota) was a part of our history long ago, the “Wild West”. That was the day Wild Bill Hickok was gunned down in a high stakes poker game, shot in the back by Jack McCall. For Texans, it could have been yesterday.
The Texas legislature enacted a new law allowing concealed weapons on college campuses for students and faculty members. In spite of the fact that leaders of the major Texas universities strongly oppo...
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(Cartoon above by John Trever)
Definition: Satire: a tongue-in-cheek opinion, a presentation of ideas to stimulate thinking, not necessarily as a realistic solution to a given situation.
In a world that is badly overpopulated, with insufficient food and resources to sustain this unhindered growth, steps need to be taken to staunch the problem. It appears that world leaders are reluctant to address the problem aggr...
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The Events of Ferguson Mo. – The Impact on Americans
Upon receiving the featured photo in an e-mail, I could not help myself from having a very strong reaction, one of outrage. However, after giving the matter some thought, I came to the conclusion that it was highly conceivable for individuals from varied backgrounds to have very different and very unique reactions to this picture.
Elitist white people could simply laugh and see the obvious fact that Michael Brown was far from a saint and that he had no one but himself to blame for wha...
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Movie Review: The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 1
From Movie Trailer, Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen
When kids are growing up, parents often ask them “what do you want to be when you grow up? Parents are so proud when a child responds “doctor, lawyer, engineer, etc.”. I take a slightly different perspective on this issue. When I ask this question to my kids, the only response that I am anticipating is “Jennifer Lawrence’s agent”!
Last weekend, my daughter, one of her friends, and I entered the incredible dystopian world ...
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ELECT Paula Colbath, Michael Osso, & Ammad Quaraishi for Fort Lee BOE PLEASE VOTE FOR Paula Colbath, Michael Osso & Ammad Quaraishi for Fort Lee Board of Education. Please Protect our Children!
Attention: Voters
Tomorrow is Election Day 2014. The Fort Lee Board of Education is in crisis as is the case every year. If this year is to be different, everyone has to vote and make his/her vote count.
There are now four (4) candidates for three (3) seats in the election. However, one of them, Paula Colbath is a write-in candidate. That means that when you vote for her, you may have to work a little harder, but it is well worth the time. If you go to the bottom in the voting booth, you c...
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