Dave Chappelle and “the Closer” are under attack by the mass media because of his comedy routine regarding transgenders. This past month, a large number of Netflix staff members went on strike to protest this horrific display of “transphobia”.
Interestingly enough, I don’t see a mass outcry against J.K. Rowling, who has been accused of “transphobia” for years. I haven’t noticed that Harry Potter books have been universally banned nor boycotted. Harry Potter on Broadway was a ma...
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Howard Pearl
Remembering Don Rickles
If Don Rickles were alive today, you would find him standing on the unemployment line after his visit to the soup kitchen.
Americans now take themselves so seriously. Everything is a slight, an insult, a racist remark! We are so thin-skilled that we have to watch every word we say because we are afraid someone in the vicinity will be offended!
We all know that the entire Presidential election was a big joke, a megalomaniac running against a possible dementia patient. But nobody is ...
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Politics & COVID-19

What would make a President uniquely qualified to deal with the COVID-19 crisis? A PHD in epidemiology or virology? A PHD in crisis management? The IQ of a Stephen Hawking or an Albert Einstein? Tough question?
Would George Bush who put us into two wars be qualified?
How about Bill Clinton who fooled around with anything in a skirt? Would that
qualify him? One of them might have had an STD, so at least Clinton might
have been prepared!
How about Jimmy Carter? He might have ...
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Election 2019: How Bernie Sanders will WRECK this Election!
It is November 2019, one year away from the next Presidential
election. Trump is a shoo-in on the
Republican ticket, so the only real issue is who will be the Democratic nominee
or does it even matter!
This week, Michael Bloomberg, ex-Mayor of NYC, appears to have thrown his hat in the ring, closely followed by Deval Patrick, ex-Governor of Massachusetts. (Am I the only one who has noticed that if one pronounces Deval a certain way, it sounds like “Devil”. Just a though...
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Mr. Spock has always been my idol. In a world of chaos, logic long ago vanished into the black hole of ignorance. Leonard Nimoy, aka Spock, would be turning over in his grave if he read the New York Times on any given day in 2019. It is mind boggling how even the simplest truths can be distorted under the guise of political correctness and poetic injustice.
The first absolute truth that needs to be emphasized is that not...
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A Political New Year’s Wish List for 2017
Instead of whining over the election results, let American’s gather together behind our new President, Donald Trump, and wish him well in his endeavors to bring Peace and Prosperity to America for the next four years. Like him or not; he is our duly elected President and he is not going anywhere. Protests and marches are only divisive at this point. You cannot impeach an individual for winning an election!
Let our New President and Congress bring our troops home safely from ov...
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Working in Eldercare, sometimes you run across something amusing. Unfortunately, I was unable to locate the author’s name, but I would like to thank this individual for expressing his/her unique point of view on the aging process.
As I was lying in bed, pondering the problems of the world, I rapidly realized that I don’t really give a rat’s ass. It’s the tortoise life for me!
If walking is good for your health, the postman would be immortal.
A w...
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Beware: BROCK TURNER On The Loose!
Brock Turner was released eight days ago on September 2, 2016. The case is old now but is still sticking in everyone’s craw. Brock served his minimal sentence, graciously gifted to him by Judge Persky, a hypocrite in a position of power.
A privileged Stanford student received a “relatively light sentence” for a heinous act. The public was outraged and rightfully so. There are blog sights and petitions surfacing all over the internet calling for Judge Aaron Persky’s head on a silver p...
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I would like to thank the unknown author of the following quote that has been circulating the internet. While I may not be certain of its origin, I am secure it the fact that it rings totally TRUE!!
No matter what our kids and the new generation think about us,
OUR Lives are LIVING PROOF !!!
To Those of Us Born between 1925 - 1955:
At the end of this email is a quote of the month by Jay Leno.
If you...
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The world is in chaos. Nigerian women are being kidnapped and abused by the Boko Haram. Pakistan is harboring the terrorist Taliban. Syrian refugees are creating a major immigrant crisis in Europe. The Greek economy is in shambles. The Puerto Rican economy is worse than the Greek economy. ISIS is wreaking havoc in Belgium, France, and the Middle East, with Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah assisting in the effort to spread Islamic Jihad around the world. We have a Presidential election with t...
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